

With the deepening of research on the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract in recent years, it has gradually been recognized that the gastrointestinal tract is not only a digestive and absorptive organ, but also an important immune organ.
Therefore, compared to parenteral nutrition (PN) support, the superiority of EN lies not only in the direct absorption and utilization of nutrients through the intestine, which is more physiological, convenient to administer, and cost-effective, but also in its ability to help maintain the integrity of intestinal mucosal structure and barrier function. Therefore, when deciding what type of nutritional support to provide, EN has become a consensus among many clinical physicians.

KellyMed as a manufacturer dedicated in enteral nutrition(EN) products like enteral feeding pumps & enteral feeding sets for decades. All products are CE approved & tested in the market for a long while.

Post time: Aug-02-2024